Products description
The hanging hemlock fir is a subspecies of Tsuga canadensis. This species has an elegant, seemingly lax appearance with an evergreen dense covering of needles. Therefore it is popular both as isolated tree and as sight protection. Especially in middle-sized to large gardens and in isolated position it will show to advantage. An evergreen conifer that will reach a height of up to 10 m. The elegant and protruding shape is owed to the horizontally jutting branches, their thin nodding ends and to the hanging tree top. The branches of the hemlock fir are covered with soft, fresh-green needles. The sprouting needles start out bright green. Older trees will produce small cones resembling those of a Larch. Hemlock firs thrive best in a location with humid air, protected from cold east winds, e.g. in the vicinity of a pond. The soil should contain sufficient moisture and organic matter. The hemlock fir needs no special cultivation efforts. However, since it prefers moist and slightly acid soil, regular and sufficient watering combined with an acid-acting fertilizer will keep it vital and beautiful. Turning up the soil around the roots should be avoided. Close to the surface important delicate roots are responsible for water and nutrition intake and these might be damaged. In a spacious garden the majestic and elegant tree will be attractively standing alone, but will also show to advantage when combined with colorful trees, rhododendrons or herbaceous plants.
Height: 200 cm