Products description
The Camelia is fit for culturing in pots and becomes increasingly popular as an open land plant. It is specified to be hardy up to minus 20 degree Celsius. As a pot plant the Camelia is hardy up to a point. In pots it might endure a few sub zero degrees, but less than -5 °C will be dangerous, because the roots might be damaged. If the pots are protected, e.g. submerged in peat, the plant will stand a few more sub zero degrees.
In open land outgrown, established Camelias will survive frost periods up to -12 °C without damage. In climatically more favorable areas like Rheingraben or Ruhrgebiet, selected types stand a chance to survive even harder frost. In less favorable areas the Camelia will regularly be damaged, either the buds, the foliage or even the trunk (splitting bark). The damage may supersede yearly growth; the shrub becomes a bonsai.
Mod. 1 Size: 450 cm Mod. 2 Size: 550 cm